I hear her getting trashed on TV, but I don't really agree with it. She was trying to shoot holes in Ford's story by giving the Republicans...
She wasn't prosecuting Kavanaugh, she was asking questions that supported his story that the Republicans wanted on the record. My thought was...
Yeah, she also took no action to investigate the claims even if she wanted to keep it confidential as she is claiming. She sat on it until it was...
I grew up with people that like the party life like Kavanaugh apparently did and as far as I know nobody has raped anyone. "The type" is a far...
Agree he seems to be lying or evasive about how much fun he had in high school. I guess the thing that gives me pause on him is the overwhelming...
"Do you believe Anita Hill?" Wow
Why would he give them ammo to threaten his nomination by agreeing that this should be dragged out longer? If he says yes, the Democrats wave...
I knew a guy in high school that was waiting for marriage because of his religion, but liked to hang out with the party crowd. He used all the...
He started off strong, but the beligerant answers aren't helping him.
He already answered that in the negative before.
Ouch...he invoked McCarthy.
How do you know all the current or prior members of the court wouldn't have reacted the same way? Thomas was the only one that went through...
So judges aren't people too and wouldn't react like a normal person when their character is assassinated? Kind of a high standard.
Wow, now they are saying that he was too mean to Diane Feinstein and it looks bad because she is a woman. These people are ridiculous.
Now CBS is saying he shouldn't be confirmed because he would be prejudiced against progressive causes after this shit show. No acknowledgement...
If you were in his place and assuming you were innocent, I am pretty sure you wouldn't be happy with the process either or the tone of the earlier...
CBS is trying to spin this as him being too emotional. They said "there is a reason why you don't put a defendant on the stand".
Yeah, far better than I expected.
This is good. Preach on brotha!
Ouch, he just insulted the entire senate.