Screenshot of this is now my story on FB with war chant playing.
This may be the leader in the clubhouse. Never underestimate the power of acronyms.
I blame it on participation trophies
Three lines (don’t have to rhyme) Format is based on syllables. The format is 5-7-5. That’s the syllables per line.
Yeah, but with inflation, is it really THAT impressive. Lol
Norvell acted like a little whiny kid going at Napier.
The idea of a celebratory haiku thread was floated after Ole Miss game. Thought I’d see if there’s any interest. Let’s see what you got. Here’s...
I bet with Daniel Mullens was hoisting that ‘06 and ‘08 trophies he was thinking: I dream to one day call an American Conference game on thanksgiving.
Dude. Awesome. Borderline dark…. But awesome.
My crazy mind thinks he actually benefited from having less players to rotate in and out. But it starts and ends with defense.
I’m the old guy that wants to win with grace and class. But dang it’s nice to see some swagger coming back,
As long as we coach the players to not throw shoes I think we’re good.
Reminiscent of a fired Zook beating FSU
I hope a healthy Lagway gets to observe the fourth quarter from the sideline while basking in a blowout win. I would love to see Warner pass for...
From The Bolles to The Braves
Last week Vegas was one projection. Hopefully after today and a hopeful win next week UF will land something better.
Mic drop
Now I gotta look up the rules for one lol.