Probably trying to get ahead of the multiple firings coming up this weekend. If CK was in play they would likely have been in contact previous to...
The reality is that if CK is holding off to speak to UCLA then he’s going to hold off until after this weekends games to see what else really...
Even Shannon’s presser?
Anyone have the link to the presser?
On top of that, if they failed to get the signature last night they would have stayed over last night and started back hard this morning. They...
Could be. There are a myriad of possibilities. The bottom line is we won’t know until we know.
My take is that the heavy hitters went to NH for the signing party to impress upon CK that the administration is fully behind him. You don’t send...
Just catching up on the early morning posts. Same as it ever was.
Try hard 95 so you can get those 5 posts
I’ve been onboard with you and appreciate the information throughout the process.
It’s all misdirection at this point til the presser tomorrow
That’s true
This discredits everything you’ve posted on n this thread.
Yeah, $10M per seems pretty steep.
He’s not going to say it’s done before the PC. He’s just deflecting with the “productive conversations”. The PC could be considered productive.
Gator_lawyer says happy. Rmonteag says defeated. Perceptions.
Who do we have on the ground there? I’m up in NC or I’d be stalking the Ocala airport.
SS brought the cash to make it happen.