Like some others, my first thought was "great, I don't have to hear his passive aggressive drivel or look at his face anymore." My second thought...
Context is everything.
In my little corner of the world, he's been cooling his heels, you know where for a while now. Can't say that I've missed him even a little bit.
Bless their hearts.
If only both teams could lose.:D
After the Texas game, I observed that the most frustrating aspect of DJ's absence, as well as that of several key D players, was that it made it...
Clyde Crabtree, Haywood Sullivan, Harmon Wages, Larry Rentz, Don Gafney, Jimmy Fisher, Kay Stephenson, Jack Eckdahl, Bob al...
People say silly things all the time around here. FTR, "elite" is in the eye of the beholder and thus a fair subject for endless dispute. I...
Great first post. [ATTACH]
Finebaum is apparently an acquired taste I have never acquired...don't imagine I ever will.
Mi apologia, you had it pegged. Too bad it didn't work out for him at UF. Oh well.
Both bigger and faster with the same tenacious, unstoppable attitude. Same tried and true badassedness though.
The hateful are in disarray Decent recruits are jumping ship in droves Disaster awaits a motley crew
Doo Dah! Doo Dah!
Claude Raines wouldn't have it any other way. :p
It does. Torturing them mercilessly will always be special thrill, no matter what. I just want to make them say "please Sir, may I have some...
I personally think Billy handled it honorably and appropriately. He seized control of a melee that could have gone south quickly, and he set the...
I can see it both ways. I would honestly prefer that it didn't happen and of course I agree that Norvell is a colossal momo for the way he acted....
Severely bruised pride maybe, AKA Princely's Disorder?
I don't recall the specifics of his injury situation, but he did have some problems staying healthy. Too bad it didn't work out for him here. He...