There are a number of things worth remembering regarding ETN, UF and UGA/Kirby. First, BN saw that the kid had some talent early on, while others,...
You're being a little hard on diosticjs, comparing them to Winston's daddy is pretty harsh, don't you think?
He is definitely a better athlete IMO, but I didn't see the poise or the ability to seize control of a game that might cause me to lose any sleep....
Did they actually take the call? Asking for a friend.
I wonder if he's beginning to feel it slipping away. UGA has clearly taken a significant step backward this year, and to some extent it's an...
Being a typical southern FB fan, I never imagined that I'd be pulling for Notre Dame against the SEC someday. But here I am.:p FTR, ETN is going...
I see Texas as a 10-point dog after what I've seen out of OSU since the UM fiasco. Texas better play a lot better than they did today to have any...
The breakfast of champions. Best washed down with an unfiltered Camel and a stale beer left over from the night before.
To my knowledge, no one here has ever described the O under BN as being anything like a finished product - in any shape, form or fashion. But...
Me too. As I recall, Spurrier won the Heisman basically for coming up with ad hoc heroics, on the spot, with zilch for analytics or consultation....
Back to the OP: Great assessment Donzo, you really outdid yourself on the position breakdowns, I couldn't agree more. This is the most uniformly...
I agree that sixteen absolutely allows anyone with a pulse to get a chance at the NC, while generating a lot of money and interest in the process....
I don't really have a solution other than that the current format is the worst of all possible worlds and needs to be scrapped ASAP. I also...
The inherent problem with any number of teams in any playoff is the human/political/profit generation craziness that skews everything at every...
As I recall, the HBC said basically the same thing some years ago. The 16-team format would definitely cure some ills. An eight-team framework...
A year into his career at UF, DJL has confronted the realities of modern CFB and generally kicked butt. How else to describe 6-1 as an 18 YO FR QB...
I'd frankly be surprised if Texas and Georgia aren't heavily favored no matter how well UF does. LSU and Ole Miss are as much of a mystery as they...
I completely agree with you on the great turnaround and the well-deserved kudos. I'm not so sure about how "awful" (as in scary) that schedule is...