He’s gonna be stubborn for a few years until he is forced to hire one
They can’t block that long
This will get ugly
The offense is worse than I thought
You don’t have to storm anywhere. Change comes when you stop showing up to games
Well we are in for a long road ahead because Billy will be here for at a minimum 2 more seasons maybe 3 . Then what ? Hire someone else with the...
Texas is a huge recruiting ground and kids want to play in the sec , this will only help tx and OU in recruiting going forward.
Clock management doesn’t concern me , never has. Only completing a hand full of passes in the 2nd half concern’s me a little though
We lost to Vanderbilt , nothing surprises me
You win some and you lose the same amount - Richardson
This defense better make big strides next year . Can’t take much more of this
Single handily embarrassing this defense
Welp the offense is gonna need to put up 40
Geez this defense is so bad
Not sure they ever knew how too
Gonna be a long night
Everyone cried for him to be the starter and criticized Mullen for not playing him . NFL? What position is he going to switch to ? TE?
Who wants to play in this bland offense