Calling it now, jet sweep for the touchdown.
Tennessee seems confused by it, but then we just run up the middle anyway.
Short and dumb call.
All this pre-snap motion reminds me of when Brent Pease was here.
This running game up the middle is not the answer right now.
Sanity check: Maybe just me but this forum look like it thinks I'm on a phone today. All the posts are crammed in the middle of the page.
Go Gators!
Ridiculous. These refs are turrble.
Reggie Bush in the house!
Looks like UCF drank some Gatorade at halftime.
A bad performance review can sometimes motivate a coach to do better.
Billy's been reading the boards!
And then they call that play! I feel like Charlie Brown and BN is Lucy.
Our scout team must be really good.
Great stop by the D!
UCF is a rival? When then that happen?
Yes. A back should have been there for protection.
Remember Sebastian Janikowski?
That wasn't roughing?
This defense is getting pushed around.