This is just so you can see the back of the new CK-era cheerleader unis. By no means should this post be considered an endorsement of...
Our cheerleader outfits are too modest and outdated, so if Chip comes, just to make him feel more comfortable on the sidelines we should probably...
I hate to see her leave, but I love to watch her go.
That's what I'm thinking. I mean if the odds of us getting CK are at 50% like that one writer said, then I see no reason for the Committee to... the front? [IMG]
Did someone say flip? Like, from the back... [IMG]
That's his name, don't wear it out!
Yes, you are correct. That's his name. Sigmund Stickleaner. Not sure why people are continually confused by this?
...with the Dazzlers, and he then does a coordinated dance routine with them that culminates with a full-court tumbling run ending in a forward...
That makes sense. But my understanding is that there were certain assistant coaches who were directly involved in that 7 on 7 deal, whereas Chip...
Ahhhhggghhh I missed page 300! Well, here's your... PAGE 303 UPDATE: [IMG]
She's thinking about how handsome Chip Kelly would look decked out in her favorite colors, and getting a little exciiiiiiiiited..... [IMG]
I see we have gotten off the, "Hey Chip, check out our Gator talent" theme of posting hottie pics. Theoretically any of those girls could be UF...
She has no fear of drowning WHATSOEVER.
Just to be prepared in the event of the unthinkable, I am shopping pitchforks on right now. It'd be nice if they had a...
That's a funny visual, I'm picturing everybody with their Amazon pitchfork purchase all cued up in another tab, ready to hit "Proceed to Checkout"...
HEY! Go find your own block to work on, Pimp, I posted her yesterday!! :cool:
Wait, what? The fanbase is tearing itself apart? What thread is that happening in? Because the most controversial thing going on in this one is...
I'm okay with either Kelly or Frost, even after all this Kelly hype. But anyone short of that will feel like a letdown at this point. And that's...
Heyyyy, now that's interesting. Because I've seen gross things before that made me want to retch in my mouth a little bit, but never a cupcake....