^^ A few more boarders and she's about to capsize! Send that barnacle-covered bucket of slop to Davey Jones' locker!
[IMG] The second part of that tweet can only refer to one coach, obviously. The Old Ball Coach, who was indeed a legendary innovator in the...
Aaaaaaarrrggghh! Avast, me mateys! All ye scalawags and scurvy sea-dogs who want Chip Kelly as the admiral of our fearsome pirate fleet, form a...
High fives for everybody! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Yeah, but at least the Jews had Moses! Who's leading us?? [IMG]
Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't get how two people saying the same thing automatically means that one is just getting it from the other?...
Same. [IMG]
What are you reading on Reddit? I haven't seen anyone saying it's a no go, just that it's a not yet. The latest I heard is that they are...
SECN is an ESPN network though. You can't get one without the other.
They typically do photoshoots early in the day to get the best light, so you could say he's working with morning wood.
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice!
Ohhhh, MAN! I need to up my search engine game. I thought I'd seen 'em all, but that's a picture I have never come across before. Pun intended!...
Man was that dude ever weird.
It's funny the stuff you find while looking for hot Gator chicks on the Internet. [IMG] [IMG] [media]
You may ask yourself, "What do any of these pictures of hot chicks have to do with Chip Kelly coming to UF?" The answer is..... I'm sorry,...
How about no uni? [IMG]
[IMG] ^ Chip likes diving into inflatable pools, so let's blow one up and get it ready for him. [IMG]