1:27 took nine minutes. I was briefly sympathetic to every woman who's ever said, "You said there was only two minutes left, but that was ten...
ALL GATORS TUNE TO ESPN2! The halftime show (potentially featuring Chip Kelly) starts momentarily...1:27 left in half.....
It's the end of the first half. And it was 7-7 up until 30 seconds ago! 14-7 Auburn now.
That'd be Louisiana Monroe vs. Auburn today, for those keeping score at home.
I ask again, sorry if anyone answered when I asked before and I missed it: Isn't Chip Kelly a paid NCAA analyst for ESPN? That's supposed to be...
MEMORABLE MOMENTS in the History of "UPDATE: KELLY BUZZ..." Page 84: A fundamental component of the thread is introduced when Poster @ursidman...
MEMORABLE MOMENTS in the History of "UPDATE: KELLY BUZZ..." Page 75: Moderator @tilly makes a benign, innocuous comment: Page 76: Poster...
lmao at these guys on Gameday, exhaling visible vapor and freezing their asses off in Wisconsin. I'm here with the a/c on, otherwise I'd be...
lol. You said wiener.
LOL @ Corso throwing a bit of shade at UM. Someone mentioned they're expecting a good crowd for their home game today vs. Virginia. He said,...
Last time I send some of my 305 homeboys to do a job like that, it didn't turn out so well. :(
Lane Kiffin interview coming up on Gameday. BTW, hasn't Chip Kelly been working as an ESPN NCAA analyst? What will he be analyzing this weekend?...
He was just called out on it by old man Barry Alvarez lol. Herbstreit's excuse was that he needs the umbrella because he is sitting under a tree....
MEMORABLE MOMENTS in the History of "UPDATE: KELLY BUZZ..." Page 27 (420 pages ago): Poster @spike718 offers perhaps the most...
David Pollack (who looks really skinny btw, even in winter clothes -- is he okay?) thinks Chip Kelly is overrated as an SEC HC prospect; does not...
All four Gameday hosts were just totally talking out of their asses on the coaching carousel. They had about as much to offer as any four random...