They have the game on one of their monitors in there! That's convenient, now I can keep an eye on it while I'm monitoring them.
They act so entitled.
...for the rest of the SEC when we get Chip.
Guys, not to bring the thread down or anything, but I have to ask...can we please observe a moment of silence? It's for our buddy @ApexNC. He...
:( Well now I need my Safe Space. And a couple Advils. :oops:
Yes, that's correct. Turnover Tampons, on a string. What's wrong with that? Don't act like that's something we should mock. It's a feminine female...
* Okay, on further review that might actually be a full-on grocery store right there, but you get the point.
Let's put it this way: Where's this convenience store? [IMG] To me and my fellow 305ers? Everywhere. This is every convenience store. And life...
I'm sorry, did you just say, "little thick on lower half," in a way that suggests you think that's a bad thing? You'll have to forgive me, I'm a...
MEMORABLE MOMENTS in the History of "UPDATE: KELLY BUZZ..." Page 466: Poster @StrengthAndHonor posts an INSTANT CLASSIC:
There are no shortcuts in life, son.
He put it on his new Gator 1 Card. :cool:
He's back on the plane with his iPad in hand, spending that whole check on Gator gear at 15% employee discount!!!
If we hire Chip, I sure hope we get more bang for our buck than ESPN did for whatever they paid him for his contributions to that Halftime Show...
Let's put it this way, if there were any real updates you wouldn't need to ask for real updates.
Nothing. We're getting nothing. LATEST UPDATE: Nothing.
Chip looks pale. I don't think he's been outside lately. To me he looks like he's been stuck in some lawyer's office, working on contract...
Shut up!! Who cares about any of these highlights of these stupid cupcake games??? Just cut to Chip and let him say, "TAKE THIS JOB N' SHOVE IT, I...
So far Chip sitting quietly. No comments. He looks like he wants to say something. What do you want to say Chip??? GO GATORS???