Defense. We haven't see the busted coverages we saw early in the year. Sure guys get beat, but at least they know their assignment. The defensive...
I hope Napier is aware that a dirty ass program like Fraud St University is going to try and take Lagway out on a dirty hit for a chance to win....
Sucks if true. Any chance we get anyone back for next week's game? Quite a few players have been out for months but I never read they would be out...
Wow and this is what I am talking about when it comes to refs. It's either incompetence or something else going on. And what kills me is these...
Love the win and we are all happy with the result, but the most important thing for me is Lagway coming out of this game healthy. No game on the...
Damn that's incomplete. Crazy this kid has to be on an emotional rollercoaster right now. No idea how he responds.
Did that hit the ground?!
Come on defense. We can do this....
Glad to see Trell back in there
Big pick!!!!!!!!!
Let's go defense... got a shot here to win this thing!
Hell of a grab, but damn stay on your feet and run that through! That's a TD!
We got to get a first down
Ole Miss defense taking over. We need to do something different
Who is talking about expectations? Ole Miss should be leading this game. They have shot themselves in the foot.
14-14 in a game we should be trailing is a win. This is smart football.
Big miss!
How does this guy say he would rule this incomplete lol... that is a catch and he is down or it is a fumble. There is no way that is incomplete....
Hate to see a great player like Harris hurt, but I thought the ball was out. Well maybe his wrist is down.