TO after a change of possession? Poor time management by Kirby…
Just like wrasslin all fake and scripted
Tilly, respectfully that is a weak argument. Three years ago Colorado played in the same conference and same schedule and won one game vs nine...
Slide rule off a little
Ga Tech’s coach A redneck nerd?
Oh My…..
I have been telling folks my whole life that I am elite…
It’s a testament alright. To what? Well, to each their own
The Dan Mullen watch begins
I know it won’t happen but I would like see Vandy or USCe in a bowl vs Florida
Really Do you want to step outside?
How big of a boy are ya?
That happens to everyone
Imagine the coach that made the less amount of mistakes is on the Gator sideline this week.
Remember the team has to be built and rebuilt each year