Oh my
This sounds Like a Jerry Jeff Walker song
It just means more…
Who exactly was that young lady directing her frustration too? Her mom must be so proud right now
Seems like there are a lot of Illini fans in Orlando making some noise
Do you think Billy should give him a call?
I wasn’t planning on watching today but I couldn’t convince anu if Bama wins this game Mich deserves to lose
Come on man stop with the negative waves
Wish they all could be Pacific NW girls
Nice play
Didn’t a TV commentator get in trouble for saying the same thing on air at last year’s Sun Bowl? where does time go? Sun Bowl: Radio announcer...
What are the power ball numbers tomorrow? Thank you
Bama bias starting to effect the refs
They’re calling for Billy to be fired…
Two field goals and a touchdown That’s where it’s at
Mid west girls……
Doesn’t seem like a bad game but I just can’t find any interest
And the way he said it… Nerd. It’s in his DNA