It was about 1 percent that got their panties in a wad, Ban button should have taken care of them.
To many want to kill the messenger. All @tilly @The_Graygator @BenTrillGriffin and others were doing was passing along what they were hearing and...
How about a few Snow Bunnies @tilly ?
Enough Bikini's, Time for Snow Bunnies
Offer Frost 8 years, 5 Mil a year, Keys to the castle, Full control, but lose buyout for if termed for cause
@tilly needs to change the title to Frosty with a chance of Bikini's
Only one thing left to do in this thread [IMG]
PER ESPN CK is the head coach at UCLA
If we do get CK he does know how to beat UT. LSU and Auburn not so much
Whats with the quick round trip from Ocala to Teterboro this morning. Scheduled to land just before noon....
And just yesterday it was widely reported that UF and UCLA tired of his game and moved on.
I agree, Just find it strange that there seems to be Twitter silence. I thought I heard somewhere that CK has a thing against social media for his...
Anyone else notice a huge lack of Tweets by our players? The ones I follow have been Slappy Squirrel silent, Lone exception Eddy.
Sure seems slow at University Air for a gameday and Noon kickoff
Duh every married man in here knows that the wife makes all the important decisions.
Track planes they said, It will be fun they said [IMG]
They were given accurate info, CK just got all Wishy Washy
Starting to see a few pointing to his return to the Ducks. LOL this is some funny stuff.
We all know why he was set up to fail in Texas, Everyone scared to say it. UT boosters had issue with the color of his skin.