Don’t give them life come on
Dropped more passes tonight then all year I feel like
This offensive line is garbage bring it all game
pyburn everywhere early
What’s with the weird tv angle
Going to really hurt when Baugh, Jackson and Montrell lower the boom.
Yeah they carve zone probably better than any team
Really needed something there to pressure them some
Against one of their best cb
Shocking a running play on 2nd down
Big boy was like this is my time until it wasn’t
Trey has a huge leg wow
And backwards we go
that was weak for a hold when the guy fell
That’s a win with how easy they went down the field
Or anything really
Literally want to break something this is ridiculous
They were drooling over the puppies like it was the greatest defensive performance they’ve ever seen, the way they hyped the adversity uga faced...
Jackson is running hard looking like marshawn out there