An interesting POV from those who know her best. Thanks for sharing. Maybe now do one on Trump - and the people who actually know him best by...
I don't believe them. Nothing but a bunch of CEO-INO's anyway...
First of all, any positive news is fake news. That summary can't be trusted, nor can the stock market being up +300 points this morning. Now that...
CNN??? Really? The lamestream media/fake news CNN?!?! Sorry, nothing, and I mean NOTHING they say can be trusted. Am I doing it right?
Yeah, but ChatGPT was developed in Silicon Valley, which means the baby-eating Libs have programmed it to be anti-Trump, even though your prompt...
Absolutely vile. I feel horrible for his daughter. Her moment ruined forever.
Yep, many, many others. Even Ken Block, the guy hired by Trump to find evidence of election fraud, found nothing. Yet, the streaming firehose of...
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
And what do you imagine the consequences will be when that court order is ignored? A fine?
This. If We The People demanded better, we would eventually get better. If we all had zero tolerance for politicians being corrupt and horrible,...
Wow, what terribly unmannerly behavior. People should really show some respect for the Capitol, don't you think?
This is exactly right. It's not what he said that's the issue, it's what he did. Actions, not words.
The truth is out there. Can't imagine Matt Gaetz will find it though.
Question for the better informed; am I correct in assuming the implosion was instantaneous? As in, over and done before they knew what was...
Incessantly tweeting "Little Rocket Man" is flattering?
Cannon absolutely should recuse, but she won't. Trump and the American people both deserve a fair trail with and impartial judge - she has...
Deep fake defense coming in 3.... 2.... 1...
Puss In Boots Phobia? Pudding Fingers Psychopathy?
His speech seemed rather innocuous, filled with the expected platitudes. Which part did you find disgusting and divisive, specifically?