ALL I KNOW - is, somebody from Gator Basketball needs to get busy filming, splicing and editing Micah's "sideline celebrations". I mean the young...
I'm thinking #5 but, now a days, who knows?
Hi Mom, meet PIG! My new Beaux. PIG! SQUEAL for Mom!!!
I bet ole Carson is wishing he pulled the NFL trigger last season. How much has he and Ewers cost themselves this season?
His leaving is thoroughly understandable at many levels...................
Seems like a very nice young man. I am excited about his future like most Gators. I hope it works out and Olivier is making life miserable for...
Thank you for forcing me to hit the Maalox Mr Maddox. Such a short honeymoon!
Hello Gotham, wow, was it you that put those invisible covers on the UT rims? Lol Clang, air, clang, clang......
In the old Astrodome. Set attendance records and if I recall correctly, "most watched" college basketball game at the time. Hayes won round one...
Lol, well if Barbara Eden couldn't get his attention, he was hopeless. Come to think of it wasn't Hagman attracted to his own sex? I seem to...
Awesome W!
Loving this!
I was always so jealous of Larry Hagman!
Wow, has Urine
I'd take DJL over any returning P4 QB.
Hightop is reporting Ty sent Stephen Harris a text saying he was coming back to wear O and B!
Aren't their some 7 or even 8 year guys out there? Cam Rising??
WOW all the talk is VBIII and Dallas Wilson, "stars, schmars" - give me someone that can go up and get the rock! Montgomery looks like a diamond...
Here is my take, the playoffs narrowly averted doomsday scenerio #1 - Two teams playing each other three times for a title. Thats unfair to the...
Well I enjoyed Trevors game while at UF, but am very happy his current team is eliminated. He had a crucial fumble against the Irish and his...