yea, but it's called being predictable and everything combined is a recipe for failure predictable play calling bad run calls on 2nd and 3rd down...
if he is kept, it means he proved his worth and won many games on this schedule and showed he might actually be a good coach. I don't see that...
ha!! while i was typing.....supporters jumped in!
Yea, everybody has turned now, I haven't heard a single supporter. Keep in mind, so many gators don't even care any more and are ambivalent and...
Dude has the charisma of a stale loaf of bread. Never liked how he conducted a press conference. I always felt he looked like a guy who was in...
Well we have lost 6 in a row now. there is not a single thing this team does well. Zero
Who gives a crap about academic rankings. Means nothing. Napier = fraud
I still don’t understand what our 50 analysts analyze……
Gonna take a miracle for Napier to keep his job. This team will struggle to win a sec game. Defense getting torched.
Most important drive of the season….. you dont score here, could get ugly
I don't see this team getting to 8 wins -- if we do the gators are back!!! but that means we have to beat: samford a&m missstate ucf & kentucky...
yea, I had to turn it off. I apologize because parents of players could show up etc -- but that wasn't pretty. Hopefully that game was an...
5-7 we lose to miami, then beat samford, texas am, miss state we beat UCF and kentucky, lose to Tenn we then lose the next 5 in a row - dawgs,...
looks like only 3 field players were changed at half. That is when you have to make adjustments. First half wasn't good, you need to do...
keep in mind fsu a few days before beat them 10-0, thrashing, and we couldn't score a single -- not a good sign. Should have handed the keys to...
All I ask for is improvement - not losing to USF is promising, tieing georgia southern isn't great. the 0-0 result with no goals is the concern,...
yea, simply put neither school would instantly bring in 50 million in extra dollars, and at this point, they would need to. Would UNC bring in...
has to be hard for a guy to turn down a huge pay day, seems I'd throw a crazy number back at Kentucky - $15 million a year, school pays for my...