Given that most of them are here with asylum requests, typing that out would make your sentence factually incorrect. People applying for asylum...
I agree. It is ironic that the people that complain about big government are desperately searching for more government to stop immigrants.
Hmm, now let's look at reality. Let's start with this phrase: "Zero downside." We deport hundreds of thousands of people per year. To avoid being...
Oh, of course. The history of black markets always show that greater enforcement lowers the cost of enforcement. But just for the sake of...
If there is one thing conservatives think we need more of, it is big government bureaucracies to check every element of a 38 page visa application...
You realize that isn't how the federal budget works, don't you? You don't just get to say "Congress allocated $X to this task, but I'd prefer to...
A U Visa is a Visa for the victims of crimes...
Welp, now the alcoholic guy who paid off a woman for sexual assault while cheating on his second wife with his third wife is SecDef. But at least...
Not yet. They need to bring in Vance. 3 no votes from Republicans.
What Visa, specifically? H2-A? Is the goal to massively increase the administrative burden on every business?
Yeah, I don't think that is true. Also, why would the US Supreme Court take a case involving New York State Law around falsifying business records...
Actually, it looks like you are right. It was a different tribe that had this issue (Tohono O’odham Nation). This looks more just like ICE agents...
Apparently, there is some concern that it might have to do with the fact that this reservation stretches into Mexico. So even though we provide...
BTW, they have also started detaining Navajo people in Arizona. Reports of Navajo people being detained in immigration sweeps sparks concern from...
Oh? Here is a direct quote from their brief: It is taken from a 19th Century case. Seems like an argument that Native Americans that are members...
That would be the Supreme Court that rejected delaying his sentencing?
Well, the argument shouldn't go anywhere. And yet, they are making it.
What appeal would that be, specifically? Are you aware of the fact that the state appellate court already rejected his appeal?
Well, let me introduce you to the Trump administration in court: Birthright citizenship of Native Americans questioned by Trump administration |...