Oh, so it must not have been bad. What happened to wages during those two years as well? Feel free to focus on the lower income groups who don't...
Oh, what was the inflation rate in those two years?
Interesting. It seems like you need to have a talk with this guy. He has very different opinions about the proper behavior related to government...
Yeah, I just saw a post about how the stock market had grown 20% per year for the last two years. It is like hell on earth out there!
Wow, that sounds like a rough economy. I wonder how we got through it...
Yeah, that sounds horribly unpresidential. He didn't even bring up Arnold Palmer's junk or sharks.
I mean his chief investment officer until about 2015, when he founded his own fund (primarily with Soros' money just as he did in his only other...
How much does he pay you to support one of his closest confidants becoming the Secretary of Treasury?
Wow, it is almost like that accusation hit you right in the feels. Sorry about that.
Wait, is this a football game? Also, I bet it won't be who I am rooting for. I am rooting for consumers. You are rooting for Big Government. So...
Hmmm, interesting. So when some US company buys this least-expensive product, what is to stop Colombia from selling to the former recipient of...
So what you are saying is that it won't hurt them then, since they could just sell it elsewhere?
Cool, so he will raise the cost of coffee! Glad that he is committed to making people in the US pay higher prices.
Wasn't he going to put tariffs on Mexico and Panama too?
I'm pretty sure that they just issued retaliatory tariffs. So hooray?
Interesting choice of a random, long-shot candidate. I wonder how you came to that one.
Not really. Generally, people want to be around people they know and their jobs. Same as native criminals and non-native non-criminals and native...
I'm not sure you know what projection means then.
Well, I was talking about a poster's fantasies of how we could get better "visuals." But, in general, law enforcement isn't supposed to handcuff...
True, but we love criminals here. We just elected one President.