Our boys ain't giving up. Night and day difference between this team and the team that played scUM and TaM Go GATORS
F it.throw the damn ball. Nothing to lose at all.
Come on D, pick 6 upcoming! These fools are certainly beatable. We win with DJ and without the overwhelming injuries this game. Kirby and Beck...
Had a chance, I think we win this with DJ. Fball gods just gave a big ol FU to UF this day
This drive will tell the tale. Either we compete or it's game over
Still a chance. I don't feel impending doom yet, defense needs to keep playing. Warner may surprise us. Go Gators
Maybe not, after replay. But I'll damn sure take it
Targeting all damn day long
Hopefully just a strained hammy, looks worse tho
Well. The first 25 minutes were fun anyway. Go Gators
Beck always looks stoned.
Early yet, but this one feels different so far GOOOO GATORS!
Well this is fun!
Crazy stat. 5 TDs for Baugh, on 106 yds rushing tonight
Hell yeah
To hell with jawja. Hook em horns !
He could also have showed bn the door already. My optimism that SS doing the right thing regarding BN is at 0
Not picking on your post specifically, but several posts in this thread, seemingly pleased with Texas getting spanked. My feelings towards them...