Just like the tampons in the men's bathroom, I'm a little confused...
I always take one, but not sure where I'm supposed to stick them.
Nope, Its happening to everyone. Customer service is dead. If you want to fix something, its hours on the forums or searching google or just...
The rich want more babies so they can continue the services and consumerism growth that makes them and their children rich. Trickles down to...
SS is fine. These predictions of doom and gloom are funny, as people have been bringing the SS is broken crap since it was passed. We will do...
Its basically swapping Lithium for vanadium. Lithium can be gathered from seawater as well, im not sure the economics of using vanadium is better...
She wont have the funding from donors to run for Gov of California. Dem donors are pissed, they arent going to fund another run for her.
After January 20th, her political career is over, so I dont really care. Lets just get this embarrassment of an Administration out as fast as...
Not normally, usually over the wings is the best place to be. In this case, it's a collision with a wall that did it in, so definitely not a...
The world has always been run by the rich. Step out of line, and you get smashed. Only way that changes is if the world's population unite. Dont...
I smell BS. The article says shingles are a problem, but show pictures of the entire structure being ruble. Even if you went thick gauge metal,...
Your vote is meaningless regardless because the parties decide who is running. But let's stay on topic. How do you certify the election? You...
The election certification doesn't care what happens in the population. Not sure why this is part of the debate for popular vote or EC. Gore...
It happened in Florida because the voting system in the state was asinine. Imagine that happening nationwide with multiple states and counties. It...
I don't have to justify the EC, it's the standard and will be. I think the folks looking to move to popular vote need to justify it. What problem...
Disagree. The US system works and has worked despite a civil war and global crisis. Most of the other systems have not been tested by...
Not necessarily. If the candidate already has over 270 electoral votes, the transition can start working. If it's just votes in the ether, you...
Ok, Trump is not my "guy" or whatever that means. Both parties can go f themselves. Biden is the enemy right now, but Trump will be on Jan 20th....
Most other nations don't have bipolar politics, so the likely hood is higher than you think.
Without a EC, it would be a disaster in that scenario. If a dem gets 70M votes and a pub gets 70M and 1 vote, there would be recounts for years...