I hoped that stop would be a harbinger of things to come in the game but my learned (over decades) “wait ‘til next year” gene would not let me get...
Should have been obvious with the first dancing turnstile vid.
“Heeeeey Baaby” always puts a big smile on my face!!
Was there and loved the mayhem.
Watching on TV it seemed louder than it should have been when we had the ball. Were the LSU fans that loud? Maybe the TV mics were close to the...
“I Just Broke My TV” is a good one.
For someone that was there, was it nucking futs in the stadium? btw: doing my evening brain teasers = nyt free games and the answer to one is...
Is Grantham available? I kid, I kid.
Not sure how I feel about this. As a student in the 80s I remember the cops lining the perimeter of the field (sometimes with K9s). We didn’t...
So who won?
Damn, I miss a decent daily paper. Especially a good local one that I could spend a good long time reading and left a bit of organic ink on my...
Just found three red clown noses for sale on the Tally Facebook marketplace.
Link is working for me.
https://247sports.com/college/florida-state/article/florida-state-seminoles-football-announces-coaching-staff-changes-239551715/ Maybe trying to...
I just hope that all LSU players have double knots in their shoe laces next week!
Never underestimate Joe’s ability to screw things up. I remember hearing that somewhere.
Sark pulls a Napier with too many men on the field to blow a TO
“…and did he duct tape it to the hat”