He is more worried about Kiffy’s falling than BN’s rise. Eff Paul, again.
LSU comes out at home in yellow jerseys. Apparently, BK needs a gimmick after we embarrassed them.
Do you think the field will be in better condition? Seems it (or perhaps or managers) caused us trouble a few weeks ago over there in Ajax.
What’s the backstory on that? Why is a dressed out player out there like that?
Makes the win ever so much sweeter.
Yep. He is damn lucky that the Swamp i Heard that Vol fans cheered the Gator win at the Panhandle Gator Club watch party, too. Cool.
Nooooo! Say it ain’t so. Blasphemy, I say.
Exactly! I have some cups stashed away in a closet from the 90s on up. Wish I still had some of the shorter and thicker plastic 22oz Gator cups...
In Emerson Alumni Hall last time I was there (Ky game) they were giving out teddy bears to kids. They also do Gator themed free photos for...
I had a similar thought watching the LSU game when they showed Mertz on the sideline in civvies. There has been much discussion in different...
Some good points in that.
Wow. By looks alone? I guess we can be misogynists in TH. OTH, thinking that you surely must only mean having married Trump as her vile thing,...
Prolly. I checked his driving record and he has no DUIs or speeding tix. He just wouldn’t fit in up there. ;)
Liked the Georgia Techie engineer failing the structural integrity of the treehouse. Maybe just us engineers will pick up on that. Also liked...
Hoping DJL really loves the/us Gators as much as it seems and enough to stick with us. He is a good one and seems to still be selling the program...
Made me lol.
Ohh, big deal. Who can’t do that? ;)
The banner above the cover title is purrrfect!! One of my fav Kid Rock songs.
Wow! I’ll take the frosh and two or three more years for $1000, Alex.
I wonder if they will continue to put bronze plaques on the stadium after last year’s plaque.[ATTACH]