Agree with this for the most part. Having spent the last 8 1/2 years in govt after 28 years in private consulting I saw lots of inefficiency in...
To the victor go the spoils has always been how political appointees happen in our system, for better or worse. For the most important positions...
What’s with the uGa dude wearing one blue and one orange sneak?
I hate their overly long opening tease, multiple pre-commercial teases of what’s coming up (as if they mean the next segment even though they...
Agree. Fork’em…both of them.
Yep. Came here just to post this exact sentiment about the who cares bowl.
What was it that Barnum said…something about suckers?
Cannot fault you for your secondary allegiance. On your statement of the gold domers’ arrogance, however… pot meet kettle is how I feel about...
Get up. Get outta here. He’s gone…but to a better place.
Actually, Billy Boy was elected homecoming queen/princess in 1980. I remember well because it was my first year at UF and I had been at FSU the...
Especially when oSu was mauling receivers in the EZ.
Just checking in. Haven’t read the thread. Only saw most of the second half, but it seemed to me that midway in the second half our movement on...
But they couldn’t do so against CBN’s team… or Gene Gene Kelly the Dancing Machine’s boys, or even the blue Hilltoppers team. Kiffy doesn’t exude...
Yep. By a team and coach that aren’t afraid to show no class/no sportsmanship. It was Duke’s responsibility to stop Piffin’s boys, but no first...
Thank you Dukies for telling Kiffin to kiss your ass with that TD return!
Kiffin is a jerk ass sack of turds
Don’t like ND but despise Uga. Good with the outcome!
“gold”…I see what you did there.
Not to pick nits, but he was turned in before he did something even more stupid than what led his family to turn him in…he had already been stupid.