do you have a cannon?
Trump wants to purge DC of democrats since they were trying to charge him with felonies for J6. He is trying to purge all gumt democrats because...
during the time of our founding fathers most states had their own militias. not sure the right to bear arms was meant to battle our own...
China is handing out aid with strings attached around the world. If we do not continue the same influence buying strategy we will lose many...
anesthesiologists safely use fentanyl during surgeries. off label use as a very cheap to create recreational drug is very dangerous. I...
I am guessing the tariffs are supposed to stimulate the Canadians wage an internal war on fentynal production and distribution within Canada to...
The Mob lost alot of money when Castro took Cuba. They are reportedly a vengeful organization. Did the CIA blame Kennedy for the half-hearted Bay...
Does Trump want to be a trillionare? and we have four more years of this sh't.
should have been flown upside down.
I am not a loser, as I still have my soul and dignity intact. I leave the shame and blame on your shoulders.