You might on to something. Or maybe they will be paid with $TRUMP coin instead.
I wish this is true and it benefits Americans and not himself. Time will tell..
I am jumping to conclusions here, but I suspect they had a catastrophic mechanical failure of the horizontal stabilizer causing the pitch down of...
You start going down a slippery slope when you start blaming issues on particular groups of people. You can look at history to see how this turns out.
Not saying if I support what they are protesting, etc. But Free speech for me but not for thee. Fed government should not be involved unless a...
Did you read the comment you quoted? You both are saying the same thing. Market doesn't like unpredictability. Hang on, large swings a coming...
Just to add, companies know about the China taking over of Tiawan, it was evident during COVID how disruptive supply chain issues can be . But it...
No. It takes years and billions of dollars just for the Fabs. Not even talking about the money needed to keep investing in the technology. Intel...
I am in the industry, guy has no clue. Might be laidoff due to this. Note, everyone making high-end chips uses TSMC.
Tariffs first
My opinion he only does these acts that benefit him in some way. Which "friend" does this benefit the most?
It is open source, so the work was "free". It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Trump doesn't care about anybody else, as long as he wins. Strong arming/blackmailing folks is not a smart business tactic. Dude has IQ of a fifth...
Forget crypto, I am stocking up on Trump watches.
So Jerry is defacto GM and now Coach?
Agree, but with DJ we will just be above mediocrity. He elevates us some.
Back in 2007 I sorted my pennies, kept the copper ones with my junk silver coins. Not much, but might be able to barter with beside guns/ammo and...
Killing the EV incentive helps Tesla vs all other car companies.
I don't think he is that smart.
If this is winning, I am afraid what is it like to lose. Such a waste of time, money and resources. Glad he is fixing the real problems.