Yup, they will, Bill. What is the frigging Gator solution? Meyer, Belicheck, Kiffen? Spurrier at OC? We are just getting spanked in every segment...
I don't think the heavy stuff's coming down for a while. Geeze. I picked a bad time to stop sniffing glue. Apathy is the prevailing mood about...
I suffered through the Doug Dickey era, this appears quite similar. Back then we moved the ball, we just couldn't score. We were tough between the...
I'd probably clean house. Start with the kids selling coke in the stands and go all the way to the top with the AD. I'm aggressive like that. Then...
They should have more commercials. Good Lord!!! Come on Gators, get up and go! Go Gators
I'm gonna have to chill. Already very aggravated. GO GATORS!
B L U E! Looks like disney got the legal crap figured out and viewage is available again. Swamp 'em. Pummel these bastids in the rain! Lord...
Apparently, the Disney dispute will disallow us viewage... Disney kind of wrecked Pixar, now their screwing up football. Guess it's wruf, old...
At this juncture, I just want a win. I'd like to see Spurrier toss the visor 25 yards from the pressbox. Napier do a Lou Holtz facemask deal....
That was quite the coming out par-tay! DJ was insanely good. Granted it was Samford, but talk about promise, the kid is already amazing....
Abysmal play calling... DJ should turn off that earpiece. Go Gators.
Is there a way to watch this game other than espn+? I have sec network and fubu, does that help? Go Gators.
Yeah, new coach talk is certainly not out of place at this juncture. Our powers to be have always decided on the up and comer mentality and it's...
Whelp, ya got that right! I'm proud to be a Gator. I love the kids, this batch of players are refreshing. And, with some effort they'll continue...
For many years now, since Muchamp, Yellow teeth, Mullen, and now Napier, every record we had enjoyed has been broken. Home game openers, losing to...
All of this loosing is a horribly unsettling, and IMHO we need the following: (optional reading) Athletic and angry 'big uglies' on the offensive...
Some puzzling things going on with Gator football. Mostly with coaching IMHO. But I just watched what I could of DJ. Man that kid can get rid of...
Well, I fell for the hype again and got intoxicated by the hopium. Even Spurrier must be suffering some self loathing about now. Can we ask Saban...
I feel like I'm in a death spiral, falling backwards, flailing aimlessly into a dark void, tumbling, waiting to hit something, anything, but I...
We should have started the post game thread at halftime o_O Sorry. A bit snarky about now. Whelp, Baugh, Tre, and Lagway are outstanding. They...