The Bumble Bees put one on UCF, aka, Bithlo Tech, tonight. Way to go!
Happy for him. Tragic story regarding the scale of justice.
I wonder if any coach has ever put the three or four players inbounding the ball at the end of the game that he wants to have on the FT line or...
Maybe with all of the Georgia opt outs the coaches and players wont be so free to dish out cheap shots on defense.
Any Georgia players opt out? I can't see them gaining much beating a QB-less team.
Condon, Samuel, Kugel, Clayton, Pullen. Richard is the sixth man. Others as the situations arise: fouls, not playing hard on D, mind elsewhere, etc
Just keep Samuel and Condon in. There's your rebounding advantage.
You could see Michigan was done ( fork ready) after the Gators took the lead. Samuel is a beast.
With all of this analytics talk I can't believe coaches and staff never looked at stats prior to it becoming a buzz word. It's a lot like some...
Decline or disfavor with mid-range jumper and poor free throw shooting make me think practice could be missing or deemphesised at that range.
Sure will be interesting on how much the refs will let them play. This one could get very physical, but that's just a guess.
There's a plethora of talent in the NBA and I suspect there's more to playing than that, being a fan driven entertainment business. Sure would...
Ask again in 5 years
Why not Samuel for beastly work and his free- swinging attitude?
So much for analytics.
Sure we're a lot score picks in the 80s. I can't figure out this team either.
Being a casual fan is liberating. It just doesnt mean that much anymore to a lot of folks. There's nothing wrong with that either.
75 Gators 70 Parts Samuel +7
If Georgia and Florida rosters were switched next year so we have every one that was part of their team last year wearing a Gator uniform and...
Three bulldogs.