How about on graduation or after four years, which ever comes first. All of it needs auditing for money laundering, etc.
Maybe it because players foucs and practice 3s and dunks. No telling what happens in between. Cover your eyes. When you can be a superstar...
I'll check the score late into the evening or the next morning. No sports matter that much after growing up having to check the long list of...
Watched the last 2:30. Holy Cow. It's truly a wonderful day when both Alabama and Texas lose a game. What a great way to start 2024.
Peer pressure perhap. Pampered, self-entitled children prone to shun loyalty or any modicum of gratitude. May as well get'em all out now so we can...
No NIL payment until the schools last game is played. Lose NIL if you transfer. Even then, a player can sandbag. Unless the NFL makes playing the...
The FT percentage of our center last year and today is not encouraging. Maybe one of the forwards not named Samuel can step up late in the game.
Injury and opt out means no contest. For anyone rooting for Grorgia I'm glad you will enjoy Groriga this and that 24-7.
Every day Auburn or Alabama loses a game is a great day. Gamera beats Tigger.
Before the game I got a MIZ text from family. I replied ORY based on their recent bowl success and it didn't go over well. In the end everyone in...
See, the coffee is working.
Passing up the beer for coffee on this one.
Roll Knights!
If you are trying to explain the huge rebounding edge this year thus far I'd be willing to say it's more of that natural ability of a couple of...
If it's parity that's the issue, cut the schorships to 45 and the UAA would have to be more selective to whom the offer and leave plenty of...
Out of that list, Tyrone Young is probably the best athlete, at least professionally. Fun to watch.
The ball sure is hard to hang on to today. Fun game so far.
Pocket full Franklins.
Get your hairy dog backside outta here and stay away forever. I'm sure he's heartbroken about leaving.