Looks like they are being proactive to avoid rulings against them with the current shift in the courts. Tax status need to get more in line with...
What a wonderful game. Let's hope for a Gator boost at the expense of the precious few of the conference.
Professional football, basketball, baseball and hocky do not use a commettee to choose championship contenders. Line up 8 conferences and...
Oh, gosh. I forgot TAM and LSU.
I think Beamer was just sore over the fact that they wern't the playoff caliber team they were built up to be by ESPN and the SEC. May as well...
Refs and cops have common traits because their job function is similar. They almost never admit a mistake and you can count on them sticking...
Can't argue the losses. But, they lost to three decent teams with some really good players. They just weren't any better than those, which isn't...
Without pushing other programs down. Finebaum wouldn't have much of a program if they did that. I do agree with you. How a person handles those...
When I look at those ISU players, cornfed comes to mind.
Third game I've watched that obvious taunting was permitted. 15 yard penalties ignore at the refs disgression. Officiating gives no appearance of...
That's the type of fireplace I light up every year. This year was a MST3K fireplace.
Good. No SEC lovefest for me. Let them all lose.
Spell check is a useful tool but it is no substitute for proof reading. Anyone working as a professional journalist that publishes stories in the...
I've noticed that we're good enough now so refs turn their heads on some defensive plays that would in the past be whistled for a foul. The team...
Fumble roosky. Tulanes D is pretty good. Their big problem is team just got portalled on O by their starting QB.
Perhaps the mods can arrange for crow icons to be tagged next to the names of those screaming to tar and feather the coach and his staff. Keep it...
Thank you Clempson for any part you had in the Alabama low tide. Who names their team after a bacterial infection anyway.
Drink coached at App St before Mizzou, right? Considering where they are they've done well.
The SEC teams that have hooverd up bus loads of talent can't lose enough for me. Their wins do not help the Gators. Hoping they lose games this...
Texas is terrible. Turned the game on at the start of the second half. WTF. I'm done. Going out for a nice dinner.