Do we care? Grantham lives in an RV so moving is not a big problem. Grundy may have to go that route.
Still laughing.
Pre Ray Graves.. How is Franz?
No. Just walk away and pretend we were at the library studying.
I applaud your modesty. Olympics is one thing. And many are great athletes. The uninitiated may not appreciate that your efforts were not under...
Dude..sir.. you are qualified to opine on strenuous, life threatening physical activity. Ranger? Most playing in the game could not do what a...
Is it my imagination or are some trying really hard to piss on our win? Anyone who has ever played the game of football, at any level with any...
Right there is the rub. people in charge can make sure it doesn’t happen. Players who are allowed to misbehave on opponents turf should not be...
Classy response. Kudos.
Well I was one who gave you one..took it off. As to humor, I have offered as many off handed, left handed compliments/ jokes as anyone alive. I...
Thx J
True enough. Free speech. I dig it. Throwing unsubstantiated shame across the board, all in the name of internet freedom.. IRRESPONSIBLE, EVEN...
The 11-0 opponent run against our reserves can be a teaching moment..but I sincerely doubt that the team will be physically chastised for some...
I am having trouble finding it on YouTube. Any help? Thx
He gone
True But at some point this Nil better get real. The pros had to put in guidelines before it destroyed the league. We are already there.
Lord have mercy
C…happy thanksgiving. We are thankful for your aid in helping us support our favorite team. The dude abides.