Or…a freshman quarterback, playing in his first season, in the toughest league in the world, after an injury, learning how to do his job as he...
Hey C, do you think Pup plays some on the edge?
Thanks D. Army had a 6’8” wide receiver about 12 years ago. He did his military service and put on weight. He was an offensive tackle at 320# or...
ok..He is a true freshman. A scintilla below 6’8”, at 325, he is a hoss. Caden Jones is almost the exact same dimensions. Westphal starts next...
Yet. Agreed. Their offense was a pass, pass, pass sprint draw offense. More opportunities. We do not have bonafide all Americans. Most don’t. I do...
Ear Warsh?
Youse...I had a New York Youse..lol .had a manager who used that. Hard core New Yorker
I once said Y'All to family member. The clocks stopped ticking ...it was as if I f bombed someone..Almost. Stevie ...you sound so Suthahn. I never...
Funny Wister shear
Go to Boston..one moment you are in a bar and they got a northern Massachusetts accent..and right down the block, everyone is speaking with no accent.
Pronounced…wuhs stah I know…I was bohn Theyah.
Just because we can’t normally spell redundancy Doesn’t mean we can’t do it.
Excellent insight. Kudos.
Thanks A.
Well, as has been stated, Jack didn’t ask for LEBRON JAMES $..he just wanted more playing time. A rotation was not to his liking. His father...
C…I would hope so too.
Oh yes. Be sure to give him a free bottle of Mando.
Agreed. some think the portal is like going to the grocery store.. One of those…umm..and one of those.. More like grocery shopping at a 7-11....
His eligibility is done..yeah? No mo .