Just one. One was in the can.
Why? They caught every pass I saw.;) We have enough talent. If they want to pick up a one year experienced receiver..we have had good luck.:cool:
Sarcasm alert.. I think if we put up a headline on the main page…like the Maddox is here blurb…Purdie will be forced to stay. But if he leaves,...
Hey..I like the guy. He goes to my church. I have a resistance to all panels of experts in college games. To me it adds nothing except air time so...
Tweaked? More like Twerked. Nothing was learned about 12 that we didn't see with 8. Don't worry. The fixers will give us 16 next year. Don't want...
Hmmm U r kind Normally when we see people talking to no one there we get medical help.
U..excellent work. Kudos.
S. Finally. I have been waiting for some really intuitive deep football knowledge. I knew I could count on you.
A …..a..it is called perspective. It is an antidote for for uninformed rock hard opinions. THANKS FOR YOUR TIMELY INJECTION
I think I said that.
Imagine him at wide receiver…Lordy.
If I was a mind reader..I probably would read the board and just leave. How would anyone know, other than the poster, 24.? Not knowing anything...
Bingo. Perfect.
Not specific…to you. Your post was one of the most polite I have read. I agreed with your spirit. Excellent. Just a good natured dig at others...
Oh Ok We lost count of all the wins. Thanks.
I think we are all aware. I am open to the idea of an OC, not that my opinion counts for #%*@. However, this one point has been hammered daily...
Just guessing.. I do that from time to time. The symbol, the emoji is sometimes the message, not the assigned name. I have used the FUNNY emoji...
Oh yeah. I forgot. NINE.