Perfect scenario is the offense scores often and we have an opportunity to bring in #2 for some plays near the end of the game. Not something I...
It looks like he was mad at the coach with the headset on and the player just kind of intersected with him. He probably didn’t even realize it...
The yards per play differential was .73 in Florida’s favor. Setting aside the noise (“Napier should only run it up the middle but only when it...
Proud of the boys. They played their hearts out.
Can’t go backwards in overtime. Guaranteed loss.
They use 2 seconds per play lol
Nice job on the defensive back on that long pass. If hadn’t pushed him out that was the play of the game. Nice.
Hopefully we get field position and then tie it up.
Crap. I think DJ forgot which color we wear for a sec there.
Boardingham earned that one.
That was a dirty tackle. Guy rolled him up after Montrel was down.
He literally said he’s doing that so neither guy is looking over his shoulder. Like it or hate it but it’s not a secret.
So we are winning which proves the coach sucks and should be fired. I think I got it. Thanks for the clarification.
Everyone thought UT would blow us out, but the game is still very winnable and every other post is about firing Napier. Is it just Gatorcountry?...
I guess we can all agree that the interception was 100% NOT due to anything Napier did, right?
Ugh 44 had that stopped but he missed the read. :(
I’m less concerned with the call than the fact that Tennessee was set up for it. How?
If wasn’t so blatant … I mean, the Miami defender left his feet and planted the crown of his helmet on the runner’s ear hole! … then I could see a...
I think Miami is the better team, but I also think if that rather obvious targeting penalty had been correctly upheld (or called in the first...
LOL they just change the rule depending on the outcome they want, don’t they?