By their logic since Beck was out for half the game they should have forfeited, I guess.
I really think the difference maker was the constant and unyielding message about doing the little things right, every day, every practice,...
So completely abandon our offensive scheme because DJ is having an off night?
I just left the game. It was cold. That’s the main thing I remember.
I think special circumstances apply here (and with Etienne). One of the hallmarks of this team is that they stuck together and saved their...
Awe man. That dude loved his Vols for sure. He made some funny videos and was a hoot. Sad that he won’t get to see how they play out the...
So glad ABC didn’t show us even two minutes and Napier’s interview. They suck.
LOL no it’s very much not bad!
Dude, the team won because they fought as a team. Lagway was not playing his best but the guys rallied around him and found a way to dig points...
That was quite satisfying. One more win and it’s a seven-win season. Pretty solid turnaround from where we started. Recruiting is probably...
How does a pass only use one second?
I’d have liked a little more overload on one side and a first but they are out of timeouts so we have a good chance here.
That makes me very happy! :)
Should pin this at the top of every game thread ….
Now bait Dart into a bad toss.
That was smart. give him more room to kick to.
Ok, Napier is finding some running plays. This will open up the passing lanes.
I’d throw in some runs to the outside to get the linebackers to spread out.
One thing Lane is doing is cheating his linebackers up, he knows we want to run and they are there to mop up anyone who gets a lane. What’s the...
Offense is just not effective when backed up like this. Need to turn the field position somehow.