At least no children were harmed from mass school shootings during the lockdowns.
4. Now is not the time or the place.
It’s a thing of beauty watching meatball ron go full socialist. He won’t stop until Florida tax payers end up having to pay Disney’s debt. Disney...
In the body camera video, Hallie’s body was the one lying in the hallway as cops made their final approach on the shooter. If only she were...
Tiny D will be blaming Fauci’s COVID lockdowns by the end of the week.
*If If my grandma had wheels, she’d be a bicycle. What other hypothetical ‘If’s’ can we play?
China releases virus that actually kills people: “No big deal! Get the hell back to work!” Chinese balloon taking pictures that LEO Chinese...
Help me think like a moron. So if it is a fake disease, are the ones trying to scientifically debunk the vaccines, just as moronic?
And with that, I will see you all next year! Go Gators!
First goal would be to crack 100 yards of offense. Get past that hump, then try to get into OSU territory. Then the red zone. Then a field...
Caught the block on the RUN and we still couldn’t outrun a pac12 team. An a PF to boot. Amazing display.
Great job Gator D!
I had no idea that she was Samantha Baggett, but that’s a name that rings a bell in Florida High School sports lore. This was probably the one...
The same people that decided kids can’t drink or smoke if they are below a certain age. Try again.
Go Gators!