If anyone is struggling to find confirmation of equity returns over the past four years, please check your account(s). It’s been a fantastic run!
A lot of new billionaires today with that run!
Kamala owns a Glock and drinks beer. Trump eats corn dogs in a really weird way.
I'm curious about the QB training regime. Both first and second stringers sidelined with serious non-contact injuries.
With his recent comment on Arnie’s driver, this now makes sense.
New York law requires a license to keep a wild animal. They had the squirrel for seven years and still didn’t obtain one? The squirrel was also...
T&P: Thoughts and prayers.
That was a big sigh from Jorkin at halftime. Almost like he knows his boss can’t be too happy with all this ass kissing between these two.
If the border was such an emergency, then the bi-partisan bill should have been passed.
Jorkin starts off by describing how he was raised off of government programs that is the antithesis of the party of small government.
Int Bama
41-34 Bama
TD Bama
Flea ficker? What was that?
Would-be Trump assassin ID’d as Ryan Routh, 58, of Hawaii: sources Sounds like a party of small government supporter.
I’m at a loss as to how a first year coach can have his team so much better prepared than Billy entering his 3rd season. But, if Billy keeps...
For the conspiracists, Trump had 5 more minutes of talk time tonight.
Is Melania around?