Billy, the ,La of gator football. Lots of word salad. No substance as to how the ship can be righted.
We were desperate and probably had been turned down by several higher rated candidates. Heupel to Ut, Christobal to the U.
When you exercise a buyout, in addition to costing lots of $, it impacts the next coach who will have a larger buyout in his contract. That’s an...
No matter when BN is fired, tomorrow, after the next game or the next, we are going to endure another miserable season. A fix won’t be started...
God is good to his good and faithful servants!!
Billy has 9 more games to screw that up! is it basketball season yet?
Was year 4. ND honored the full contract. At that time, they had never fired a coach.
We opened up the pocketbook and get this???
Gerry Faust was a great HS who Notre Dame made their head coach about 40 years ago. Recruited well because they were ND. Could not coach a lick at...
DJU ROI = 0-3!!!
Going down like a British heavyweight.
The ACC should file a motion that f$u does not have standing to sue for release of the contract because f$u is no longer a legitimate power 5 team.