C’mon. Not just any other school. No one would care if he transferred to, say, Washington.
Unfortunately, their online doesn’t rely on their RBs to black too often.
Gator for life my butt! I hope they bury him on the depth chart.
Bleacher Reports doesn’t even have us in the top 25. Wonder what that’s about?
I’ve tried to cheer for the Chiefs because Mahomes is such a dynamic player. Then their crowd starts doing the FSU chant and, I just can’t. Makes...
I’d even have a hard time rooting for FSU in that scenario. The depth of my hatred for that program runs deep.
Sort of like us right now. Just sayin
Iowa is 10-2. I’d take that too.
He was thrown out of the game.
Well that didn’t work out.
Stupid penalties. Killed great field position
I stand corrected but my point is that they didn’t even mention the fact that we lost our QB. I guess we have to earn that respect and we haven’t....
Is the bedbug thing real or just hyperbole? Thinking about going to Europe next month but everyone is saying to wait.
Watching Game Day. All they can talk about is Rodemaker, and how he and FSU will play in response to Travis’s injury. No mention at all about...
Show some class Mizzou
So I guess it’s all your fault.
Screw Mizzou
I just can’t even
I’d agree but it didn’t work out against Arkansas
Nice! Needed that stop!