Will you look at that! A touchdown!
Why with the pass?!
I thought we’d lose but my God, this is an embarrassment.
Fumble on third down
Wide open
What sucks is the score won’t take into account how close the game really was. Georgia isn’t all that this year.
At least our new QB is wicked smaht.
I know It’s been pointed out that this is a Matt Hayes, and not Matt Baker article. It’s shocking to me how negative an alleged neutral sports...
Miami doesn’t look impressive at all. Not sure how we lost so bad to them. FSU’s receivers are the worst in the NCAA.
Pick six!
5 TDs. Impressive for anyone. Especially for a freshman against this defense.
Holy crap!!
They’ve been faking the jet seep all night. How about trying it for once?
Please don’t run it up the middle three times in a row
Are the announcers drunk?
Ok. These cameramen have to get their poop grouped.
From the long view, you could see a hand reach over the goal line with the ball. Definitely a TD
Nice play. He just snuck the ball over the line
Our punter is nails
90 seconds and you just give up? Don’t understand it.