Your post reads like everyone with a college degree votes D. Too funny. And in what measure is it the single best indicator? Seems it's still...
I just keep thinking about the incredible amount of food, diapers, baby formula, and bottles of water that will be going to the dump. There's...
It's not about abortion primarily? Ha. Ok. And men have the right to kill an unborn baby? News to me. And what's with masquerading it as...
Weird and pretty ironic a 50 yr old woman would fight to ensure her offspring would have the right to kill their unborn offspring.
I think he mistakenly crossed the LOS so he figured he had to run for it.
If that's all it took to keep Putin from invading Ukraine, I think it's a pretty good investment. Maybe Biden should've sent him over a few...
So you're saying the government wastes our tax money? You'll get no argument from me at all.
If all the wealthy Democrats who complain about not paying enough taxes wrote extra checks, FEMA would be flush with cash to pay for everyone's...
He endorsed Obama, Biden, and Clinton. This is a total shocker.
Oh please let an actual list hit the public this time. With proof. Lock all those scumbags up in gen pop in the harshest of prisons.
It's regulated in Florida where it's legal to purchase with a card. Those are the prices I was referring to. Is this a West Coast tax issue?
I'm not sure how the street dealer can compete. Purchasing weed is cheep. A 10mg gummy is 1.50. Vapes are super cheap and last forever. I'm not...
The "new toothpick apartments" have to be designed to withstand cat 5 winds.
Third straight storm into the armpit of the panhandle. Very lucky monetarily as that coast has very little structures. Feel bad for the...
Good luck.
He's a total clown.
Nothing worse in football as a fan than having a D that can't stop anyone. Just such a helpless feeling.
How about a candidate who doesn't want to repeal taxes and put us in a hole, and someone who doesn't want to increase taxes to spend more and put...
Is there a candidate who wants to expand the amount of work visas issued, not add new tariffs, not raise taxes significantly, not enact new absurd...