Quit heckling the comedian. And anyway, that's so 2023. We're talking Q1 2024. Calif only get tourists because they mistake Disneyland for...
Maybe Florida is so bad ass it stole every other state's vacationers and the economy still sucks? :D
What in his voting past makes him a Republican in name only?
Lending rates doubled in less than a year. Fed created this bonkers environment. Raising too late too much.
Yes, as a parent I know what a tough often thankless job it is. I wish the federal tuition giveaway funds went to teachers. Would need to look at...
Devil in the white city was great. Just finished it.
I'm reading The Bounty now because of it. Another solid read. Not as nautical though. More about character relationships.
Awesome book. Really makes you appreciate what it as like (and how deadly it was) to sail around the globe in early exploration. Amazon.com: The...
Even 99% of those went in with good intentions. Would I be any more resistant to the pull of power and greed if I were on the hill? One would...
Up 7% to 50.08
None, thankfully. I don't think I belong here. :D Seriously, if you keep in mind that each person is an individual, who are most likely feeling...
Eh, arky did too in the second game. That throw to third was a horrible mistake by their pitcher.
Kind of related.. For the first time ever I was charged a deposit to make a reservation. Hampton Social in Nashville. Guess that's a thing now...
She's got nothing on PETA when it comes to killing unwanted pets. PETA Leads in Killing Dogs and Cats | National Review
No. But it's an unacceptable part of it. Do you think Biden will remove that part? No. So.. gotta fight it. And liberals wonder why Trump can win...
Good for Desantis for standing up for female collegiate athletes. I hope he and the other governors win the battle against the overly progressive...
List of countries by total fertility rate - Wikipedia We look to be high than most European countries and even some of the Nordic countries that...
The 1.6 is abysmal. No way to sugar coat it. Slowdown will get worse.. Stagflation is a real concern. Not good news for re-election hopes.