Sensible people understand the POTUS was trying to limit panic, which was the right move. Fauci has already said the POTUS accepted his...
How many people react perfectly to something they've never experienced in their lifetimes? Especially when the supposed proper reaction is to...
Fascinating numbers and thank you for posting these.
"Months after suspected Covid?" CNN is just terrible journalism. I don't even think it's a bias sometimes. They just suck. Thousands of kids...
Kentucky schools closed until September 28th, statewide.
Looks like those nationwide new cases a fallin'.
And you keep ignoring that we are not the rest of the world. Shut down now? Cases are already plateauing. 7-day moving average has dropped in...
You just described everything we did in late March through April: everything not related to emergency healthcare, law enforcement - check feeding...
Indeed. Another shut down would be catastrophic. Think local governments are hurting now? Yikes. Factories that shut down and then re-opened,...
Is that not basically what we did at the end of March through April?
Thank God we have good strong, conservative governors like Gavin Newsom who refuse to “give in to the libs.”
For many small businesses, the banning is permanent when they go out of business. For the hundreds of thousands suffering from mental illness due...
My post was in response to mdgator. Thank you agreeing with me that a motorcyclist poses a certain level of risk to others around him/her. But...
I am not against Harleys or motorcycles, but riding a bike is not only a potential risk to the rider. It presents several challenges, risks and...
You couldn't be more incorrect with this statement if you tried.
Yep.. I'm seeing those headlines too. "Deaths soaring" and stuff like that. They're glorified tabloids at this point.
This country has been through some hard times and persevered. The resolve we showed after Pearl Harbor, the Civil War, attacking the British on...
The thing with schools is that if there is an outbreak, schools can be shut down on a dime and teachers will still get paid. Schools are probably...
Everything I talked about in my previous posts were things GOVERNORS did, not Trump. I know you want this to be able Trump so bad, but the truth...
I guess a liberal Democrat governor re-opened things too soon. Pity.