Or..... people have this fantasy in their head that they can stop old people from dying from things.
Most of the Covid stuff is BS. The data show us the true consequences of the disease. In Kentucky, schools remain closed indefinitely due to an...
Posts like these are nice anecdotal experiences, but the raw data show us what's truly going on. As I've said here thousands of times before, if...
Already ID'd 1,000+ cases of the new strain. Forget about it. It's out of the bag. Thanks, China.
Intravenous bleach would probably work better than what California is doing currently.
It's good to see the liberal blue stronghold of California subdue this virus like it's Gavin Newsom's bitch with all these lock downs, orders and...
Nice to see all the various state imposed restrictions over the past few weeks haven't done shit to curb the spread. Governors making calls based...
And people wonder why our education lags in the U.S.
That doesn't have to come from the federal government. There is nothing stopping Gavin Newsom from initiating a mask training program in CA, for...
I am all for more education, better quality masks, saving lives. But let's be real. What percentage of people (regardless of political...
Ooohhh.. did everybody catch Joe Biden's First 100 Days plan to "fight" Covid? He's gonna make mask wearing in Federal buildings mandatory....
You are not the person I would challenge on death stats. :D
Yep. There's really no reason to complicate it beyond this, but they will do so due to political leanings.
Data shows that the virus doesn't transmit as easily from child to child. The assumption made by the doctors and researchers, as I recall, was...
Yes. You cannot be hit by a droplet when someone is 20 feet away from you. The virus is insanely airborne and masks may slow it down a "little"...
Looks like my theory of people putting too much faith in masks and letting their guard down is being confirmed. If you can catch the virus in 5...
There is no point in telling everybody to wear their masks if 80% of the people aren't wearing them right or aren't wearing the right material....
That reminds me.. hindsight is 20/20, but they had plans in front of President Trump to send everybody N95 masks in the mail way back when this...
Not even close to the same thing. You just took the goal posts and moved them to Egypt.
But this statement isn't true. "More effective" as in saving more lives? Not necessarily if more people are socializing at close distances with...