Really refs? So you can be called for a PI
Onside kick so Watson can squish another guy!
He got it! Get that player he landed on to the hospital
8 wins against what was called the toughest schedule in college football history. Not bad....
You cannot be called for PI in this game.
Run wildcat the rest of the game.
What a joke - a little contact.
Do we sit Lagway now?
Found a play that works there
Fumble - we missed it
Yeah Im happy. But you worry about your own posts, okay?
Yes and no flags!!!
Hansen slipped dammit
How do we not have our shit together to not have to call timeouts to prevent delay of game?
These announcers are making neutral observers hate Lagway
That explains it - they were packing those meals instead of practicing.
Liked the pick - tired of us sliding all over the field.
Not shocked at all that we couldn't score a td there
Part of it is they have a good defense but we are unorganized and sucking in the red zone