We are going to need a score on very possession. Our Defense is overwhelmed.
Man, we have that D on the ropes now. C'mon D, let's get a stop.
I guess we really can't expect much more from a young, inexperienced defense that is banged up and missing some key players.
I served in the Navy as a surface warfare officer from 83 to 04, and my dad is a Korean War Army veteran. May God bless you all and Go Gators!
The fires are lit, just a matter of time until the boiler is full of steam and the safety valve pops!
Threw it at his shoelaces!
Geez, I really hope we don’t screw up this drive. Cmon, Gators!
Where is Mertz’s outlet?
Score then get the ball at the half and score again.
What is it with the hands to the face and this team!?
Got to roll out Mertz.
Wrong angle. Tried to avoid running into the kicker.
Offsides, killer.
No nap, please!
Well, the boys woke up. Now don’t take a nap…
Or.. get a td.