Lakers look cooked; Clippers look promising.
Should have started this thread on 4/20. Nice dreams ...
Billy D getting absolutely roasted by fans after latest playoff loss. Maybe Ky should have waited a week.
I like CBN but tune out in a hurry when he's talking. It's like some narcotic thing.
Indeed. He's actually pretty good in this, but it takes a while to buy him as BF.
Yeah, that's great, I'm looking forward to season 3.
Good man gone. Not many like him these days.
There is plenty to be scared of on this fall's sked, but Miami is not one of them. If we do happen to lose, big problems early.
Terrific player, loyal to the school, needs another year.
We live in ridiculous times.
That was a great night. We were seated right under the basket. Such excitement over the NIT! Ronnie seemed like such a class act. RIP. Hope these...
And so it begins. Calgon, take me away ...
It's up there, archived, and you can watch it all summer.
Cheer in April, sob in January. Bread and circuses in Ky.
Good to hear Clayton was there, being Victorious.
Apple TV product continues to improve, albeit slowly. Eager to check out the Ben Franklin one as well.
I lived in L.A. throughout the whole drama and (later) the Kardashians were our neighbors. Crazy times. Such racial polarity in the city with the...
There's a great slab of alternative history there, if he hadn't poisoned the well while a youngster at UF.
Can we start by drilling Miami