Ward still in, I would like to say we need to hit him real hard but we can't get anywhere near him!
The end of Mertz!
Losing by 4 touchdowns at home, being mocked, this is difficult to watch, I am just hoping we have a look at Lagway!
It makes no difference to us but what an easy schedule Miami has, sadly including us!
This is just ugly, I was so looking forward to this season for some reason!
I have been a huge fan of BN, I don't even want to listen to his ht sideline interview now!
Just pathetic defending, any hope of using our momentum to turn this around is gone for me, I thought we were supposed to be so much better on D...
Wow, did we need that!
I don't want to be a drama queen but the 2 roughing calls and the failed 4th down attempt have killed us and this game is feeling like it is going...
My goodness, those are two of the dumbest roughing calls imaginable, absolutely no discipline!
They said on the broadcast it isn't reviewable, agree it was a fumble and should have been our ball!
Everything is looking not so good, offence sputtering, defence no pressure giving their QB way too much time and at least 3 crucial calls from ACC...
Boy did we need that, now let's get the offence rolling !
Defensive mistakes killed us last year, there is a 4 point swing right there from indiscipline!
Stupid stupid penalty, here we go again!
I'm a bag of nerves, I was ok until about half an hour ago, let's get this going!
Situation in emergency rooms in Québec
The Gators had scheduled a couple of pre season exhibition games up here in Southern Ontario in September of 07 after their 1st NC, Larry Shyatt...
I will never forget at the celebration after the first championship Joakim Noah at the end "oh and we be back"! A very special group and although...
He was as big of a loss or bigger than most people thought, wishing him a full and speedy recovery!